Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Perfect Language Learner

Fulbright ETA EFL Workshop - Day One

A "Crash Course" in the Principles of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) - Day One

This workshop was created for use as part of an orientation given to Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) grantees.

The program for Day One can be found here

Day One: Monday, September 22nd, 2014

I. English Language Office: RELO Jerry Frank and English Language Office Specialist Natalia Fomenko

II. Introduction & Overview

PPT found here

  1. To provide a brief introduction to your trainer 
  2. To provide a brief overview of the “crash course” 
  3. To perform a brief needs analysis 
III. Communicative Language Teaching: An Overview
PPT found here

  1. To provide a brief history of the evolution of ESL/EFL methodologies 
  2. To familiarize program participants with the tenets of CLT 
  3. To understand the importance of student talk in class 
  4. To understand the teacher’s role in a CLT classroom 
  5. To present/model/engage in various communicative activities 


IV. Classroom Management
PPT found here

  1. To draw participants attention to the importance of a structured classroom environment 
  2. To review and practice different patterns of classroom interaction 
  3. To experience pair work 
  4. To introduce techniques of pair work 
  5. To experience group work 
  6. To introduce techniques of group work 
V. An Introduction to Team Teaching
PPT found here

  1. To introduce the concept of team teaching 
  2. To draw participant attention to different styles of team teaching 
  3. To help participants anticipate problems associated with team teaching 
  4. To help participants identify ways to maximize their efficacy in a team teaching scenario

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fulbright ETA EFL Workshop - Day Two

A "Crash Course" in the Principles of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) - Day Two

This workshop was created for use as part of an orientation given to Fulbright English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) grantees.

The program for Day Two can be found here

Day Two: Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

I. Introductory Remarks 
  1. To answer pertinent/salient questions from Day One
  2. To provide an Overview of Day Two

II. Reviewing Key Terms
  1. To review several key terms from the previous session
  2. To model an assessment technique
  3. To model a possible warm-up activity

III. Classroom Interaction: Individual, Pair & Group Work (Warm-Up)
PPT found here

  1. To review and practice different patterns of classroom interaction
  2. To experience pair work 
  3. To introduce techniques of pair work
  4. To experience group work
  5. To introduce techniques of group work

IV. Lesson Planning: A Crash Course
PPT found here
Bonus PPT: "Assessing Students PPT" found here

  1. To examine the elements of a well-planned lesson
  2. To recognize importance of Presentation, Practice, and Production stages in a lesson/activity
  3. To raise awareness about the concept of scaffolding
  4. To practice evaluating various lesson plans
  5. To provide a way to self-evaluate future lesson plans
  • Ready made lesson plans found here
  • EAP Materials found here
  • General Activities Database found here

Lunch Break

V. Personality Colors: An Example Team Building Exercise

PPT found here


  1. To begin the afternoon session with an interactive, team building icebreaker
  2. To offer a team building activity
  3. To reinforce the importance of considering individual personalities and learning styles

VI. Activities for the Four Skills (plus Icebreakers)
PPT found here

  1. To provide an overview of the characteristics of effective activities for EFL Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 
  2. To provide example activities for each of the “Four Skills” 
  3. To provide example “Icebreaker” activities
  4. To offer tips on how to incorporate Grammar (“form focus”) into these activities

VI. Closing Remarks 
PPT found here

VII. Feedback
Feedback form found here