Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Shaping the Way We Teach English" Webinar 15.1: Lesson Planning 101

The new series of "Shaping the Way We Teach English" webinars began yesterday. The first webinar was a great introduction to the essential themes and elements for creating effective lesson plans. It was created an facilitated by Katie Bain, a former Fellow and the new Online Projects Coordinator for English Language Programs. While I encourage all of you to join the Ning Network (please email if you are interested), I will also be posting the materials from the webinar to this blog. Again, feel free to send me an email if you have any questions! Thanks! 

Links to Resources from the Webinar
"Planning Lessons" (article by Linda Jensen) 
"Lesson Planning 101"  (ppt by Katie Bain)
"Lesson Planning 101"  (pdf by Katie Bain)
Rubistar (rubric creation resource)

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